
Using the SDK

Once you have set up and initialized the SDK you can use its features:

Playtime Access

The Playtime feed comprises apps that users can install and utilize to earn rewards. This feed is presented in a distinct activity. Rather than directly initiating the activity, we furnish you with an getActivityIntent calling from AppsPrize object to start it. This approach enables you to display transition animations and implement other customizations for your users' experience.

In order to launch Playtime, you can use launchActivity function as below:

object AppsPrize

This is a AppsPrize singleton instance to perform actions. Occurs about AppsPrize.

This will launch the launchActivity displaying the AppsPrize ad feed:

fun launchActivity(activity: Activity): Boolean

This function allows you to launch AppsPrizeActivity to show available campaigns and track apps' reward progress. If AppsPrize is not initialized, it returns false.
Activity launch action status
activity: Current activity

This function allows you to open directly detail page given campaign ID. If AppsPrize not initialized returns false.

fun open(activity: Activity, campaignId: Int): Boolean

activity: Current activity
campaignId: Campaign ID to be shown

Prior to the user's interaction with the partner apps in their feed, they are required to agree to the AppsPrize Terms of Service. Additionally, they have the option to grant your app permission to track the usage of other apps on their phone through the device settings.

You can use the hasPermissions function.

fun hasPermissions(context: Context): Boolean

This function allows you to check for permission status to track rewards.
Permission status
context: Activity context

requestPermission allows you to manually request permission to track rewards. If permission is not available, it forwards to Android settings.

fun requestPermission(context: Context): Boolean

Permission status
context: Activity context


You can use the AppReward class for managing a reward with completed levels.


data class AppReward(val rewards: List<RewardLevel>)

This class represents an App reward with completed levels.


  • AppReward
AppReward(rewards: List<RewardLevel>)


val rewards: List<RewardLevel>

Completed list of reward levels.


public data class RewardLevel(
    val level: Int,
    val points: Int,
    val currency: String,

This class represents a reward level.


  • RewardLevel
    RewardLevel(level: Int, points: Int, currency: String)


  • currency
    val currency: String

Currency used for giving reward

  • level
    val level: Int

Level number

  • points
    val points: Int

Points earned at the level

In order to understand if the user has completed one or multiple rewards in a session, you can call onRewardUpdate function.

open fun onRewardUpdate(rewards: List<AppReward>)

rewards: List of rewards earned by user


To enable users to claim their accumulated rewards, they need to receive a payout. Each reward can be redeemed only once.

Server-to-server Payout

To utilize server-to-server payout, you should establish an endpoint on your server, which we can trigger to inform you about the install and user's rewards . Upon receiving this notification, the responsibility of delivering the rewards to the user lies with you.


We strongly advise adopting the server-to-server payout method for rewards due to its enhanced security and improved transparency on your side.

Endpoint Structure

Once you share your endpoint URL, we will useHTTP POST request in order to send callback to your side. We will set the below query parameters and fill statically once an install occurs. You need to parse the parameters and handle on your side.

user_idUnique client app's user IDstringmandatory
coin_currencycurrency name of client appstringmandatory
coin_amountTotal number of reward amount that will be earned by the users when they completed whole levelsfloatmandatory
cpi_bidoffer cpi/cpa bidfloatmandatory
payout_currencycurrency of offer cpi bid (USD)stringmandatory
device_idadvertising ID of end-user from installstringoptional
trans_idThe unique transaction IDUUID v4mandatory
sigSignature that should be verified request authenticity. It's a SHA256 hash code of the calculation of the request parameters as sig=SHA256(concatenate(trans_id,user_id,coin_amount,coin_currency ,app_token,s2s_token)stringmandatory
event_nameExact event name coming from advertiser/offer's appstringmandatory
event_tokenEvent descriptionstringmandatory
event_coin_amountThe reward amount that will be earned by the users when they completed an event/task.floatmandatory
app_bundle_idAdvertiser/offer's app bundle idstringoptional
app_nameAdvertiser/offer's app namestringoptional
levelIt refers to play time level or daily questsstringoptional
secondsPlaying and spending time in advertiser appstringoptional
pointsReward Amount that is earned by the users as long as they play and spend time in advertiser app.stringmandatory
currencyPublisher Currency Namestringoptional

In order to be ensure that the callback requests are coming from us, you need to calculate the sig parameter and compare with the parameters which are sent by the callback request. Calculation is; sig=SHA256(concatenate(trans_id,user_id,coin_amount,coin_currency ,app_token,s2s_token).

Once you share the main endpoint S2S URL, s2s_token will be generated and given to you.


We will make POST requests whenever a user installs and open the apps, also completes a reward level separately.

Sample Body for Install Request (for both type of campaigns, time or task based)

  "app_bundle_id": "com.oakgames.linked2248.numberpuzzle",
  "app_name": "2248: Number Puzzle Game",
  "coin_amount": 10000,
  "coin_currency": "USD",
  "cpi_bid": 0.15,
  "sig": "5d775fa8d601ffdea8a65fd0225e0637d2b87b57072483dd0dcc49aa735c9b", // (trans_id, user_id, coin_amount, coin_currency, app_token, s2s_token)
  "trans_id": "36097a85-5e1b-44b6-8966-0e2e226b7a0",
  "type": "install",
  "user_id": "test1"


For task based offers, you will receive "cpi_bid":0in install type postback requests.

Sample Body for Rewards (for Time Based Campaigns)

  "app_bundle_id": "com.sport.cornhole",
  "app_name": "Cornhole League",
  "coin_amount": 10000,
  "coin_currency": "USD",
      "level": 1,
      "seconds": 60,
      "points": 18,
      "currency": "Points"
      "level": 2,
      "seconds": 60,
      "points": 18,
      "currency": "Points"
      "level": 3,
      "seconds": 60,
      "points": 18,
      "currency": "Points"
  "sig": "5d775fa8d601ffdea8a65fd0225e0637d2b87b57072483dd0dcc49aa735c9b", // (trans_id, user_id, coin_amount, coin_currency, app_token, s2s_token)
  "trans_id": "4a66188d-4278-487d-8953-b33c0c85ff9f",
  "type": "reward",
  "user_id": "test1"

Sample Body for Daily Quest Rewards (for Time Based Campaigns)


It looks like time based rewards body, but difference is "level"will come with "daily-quest".

		"sig": "1a052ed124335b0bfdfb7afd205a61c5e8046b6cad8d06ced1151d92effe1",
		"type": "reward",
		"rewards": {
			"level": "daily-quest",
			"points": 83,
			"seconds": 120,
			"currency": "Points"
		"user_id": "test_user",
		"app_name": "Cornhole League",
		"trans_id": "1658e4b0-1d98-4d17-9535-95124df40e54",
		"coin_amount": 0,
		"app_bundle_id": "com.sport.cornhole",
		"coin_currency": "USD"

Sample Body for In-app Events/Tasks (for Task based Campaigns)


For some offers, we can add additional special offer section such as in-app purchase events, in this situation we will send postback with "cpi_bid":0. Only you need to use event_coin_amount in these requests in order to reward the user.

  "app_bundle_id": "com.sport.cornhole",
  "app_name": "Cornhole League",
  "coin_amount": 10000,
  "coin_currency": "USD",
  "cpi_bid": 9,
  "event_coin_amount": 27000,
  "event_name": "Level_5",
  "event_token": "Reach Level 5",
  "sig": "a65d72b215160e643058659089558c6d35c55717277b33c6becd7e403bfd31fb",
  "trans_id": "70660187-93cf-40eb-8cce-f9ce22fc46e2",
  "type": "event",
  "user_id": "test1"


Requests for reward levels

The reward postback will not be received until the end user returns to the SDK from the app they played. As the playtime in the downloaded app is completed, the rewards of the corresponding level will be postbacked.

Payout via SDK


We recommend that you use the server-to-server payout model for better security and transparency, but if you cannot handle the server requests on your side, you can call the doReward function as below.

We will handle the reward payouts inside the SDK itself by this method.

To pay out the rewards that the user has collected from advertiser apps directly in the SDK, call

AppsPrize.doReward(MainActivity.this, new AppsPrizeRewardListener() {
    public void onSessionReward(List<AppReward> list) {
        // used for handling session reward without AppsPrizeListener.onRewardUpdate event method
AppsPrize.doReward(this) { sessionReward ->
    // used for handling session reward without AppsPrizeListener.onRewardUpdate event method