
Postback Endpoint Structure

We will use HTTP GET request while doing conversion postbacks. You can use the below parameters in order to set a postback link:

extra_1It will be used for user ID, and mandatory
payoutPayout will return with the offer CPI/CPA bid.
app_bundle_idOffer's/Advertiser's app/bundle ID
adv_app_nameOffer's/Advertiser's app name
transaction_idThe unique transaction ID
virtual_currencyAmount of virtual currency that the user will earn when completes the tasks.
ipIP of the user
extra_2A custom parameter value as set by the publisher
extra_3A custom parameter value as set by the publisher
extra_4A custom parameter value as set by the publisher
extra_5A custom parameter value as set by the publisher
event_nameCompleted event name of the CPA/multi-CPA offers
campaign_idUnique offer ID

Here is a sample of how it might look like:
https://your_domain.com/postback?YOUR_USER_ID_MACRO={extra_1}&YOUR_PAYOUT_MACRO ={payout}&YOUR_OFFERNAME_MACRO={app_id}&YOUR_TRANSACTION_ID_MACRO={tran saction_id}&YOUR_VIRTUAL_CURRENCY_MACRO={virtual_currency}&YOUR_USER_IP_MACRO={ip}&YOUR_OFFER_ID_MACRO={campaign_id}


AppsPrize has CPI and CPA offers, you will receive postbacks according to the conversion type.

If you would like to get event_name of the offers, you can give additional endpoint for event postback and append your corresponding parameter into it. Otherwise we can also use the same endpoint for event conversions. But please keep in mind that we cannot send event_name for the install conversions.


IP Whitelisting

The postback is transmitted from a static IP address, and it's essential to add this IP address to the publisher's server whitelist. For details or to obtain the AppsPrize server IP address, please contact your designated AppsPrize Publisher Support Advocate.

Example iFrame Page