
Getting Started

What is the AppsPrize SDK?

The AppsPrize SDK is a powerful tool designed to help developers integrate ad formats seamlessly into their apps, enabling them to effectively monetize their user base. With the AppsPrize SDK, developers can take advantage of a unique advertising format called "Playtime," which offers a rewarding experience for users and revenue opportunities for app owners.

The highlight of AppsPrize SDK is the "Playtime" ad format, which sets it apart from traditional ad solutions. Playtime incentivizes users to engage with ads by installing and actively using apps from advertising partners. When a user clicks on an ad displayed in the Playtime feed, they are directed to the respective app's page on the Google Play Store.

The magic of Playtime happens when users install the advertised app and start using it. For each moment they spend using the app, they receive rewards in the form of in-app incentives or virtual currency. The more they interact with the advertised app, the more they earn within your app.





AppSamurai's code snippets that app owners need to integrate into their app to earn money through the AppsPrize playtime advertising format. This documentation acts as a guide to walk you through the integration process.

Client App

The app in which the AppsPrize SDK is integrated.

Playtime Feed

The place where we show the ads to players/users. These ads are for Advertiser/Partner apps. Playtime offers are displayed and can be launched via launchActivity.

Advertiser/Partner App

An advertised app in the Playtime feed. Players can earn rewards by installing and playing these apps and the Client App earns money for every install.

User Permission Process

Before the player can use the AppsPrize Playtime SDK with all its functionalities, they must accept AppsPrize's Terms of Service and allow the client app to track their usage.

Only signed-up users (i.e., users who successfully accept the Terms of Service) can install advertiser apps. If the players allow the client app to track their app usage, they can install offers from the Playtime Feed. Otherwise, they will be redirected to the client app. Check with your AppsPrize representative for more details.


A virtual currency in the client app that the user receives after continuously playing an advertiser app. Users qualify for rewards after repeatedly playing the advertiser app for specified amounts of time.


The process of redeeming rewards. Once a reward is paid out, it can't be paid out again.

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